Dried Blue Lavender Bouquet


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Bouquets of fine dried organic blue lavender from their family production at Château de la Gabelle in Provence. The bouquets have been cut by hand and prepared by hand by them with lavender plants selected for the beauty of their color.
  • Hand cut and crafted.
  • Tied with natural colored raffia ribbon
  • Each bouquet measures approximately
    • Length: 40cm/15.75"
    • Weigh:  80g/2.83 ounces.
  • Made in Provence, France
  • Do not expose them to teh sun, the color will tarnish.
  • For cleaning, you can delicately pass a cloth on it from the stems to the flowers.
  • Teh smell of the bouquets are light.
    • It is normal and due to the fact they are harvested very early during blooming when the color of the flowers is the prettiest.  At that time the glands that secrete the essential oil are very small and young. So much so that they do not secrete enough essential oil to have a strong perfume.