Spring bouquet by Pierre-Auguste Renoir is a still life in oil paints created in 1866. An elaborate bouquet of summer flowers erupts from a japanese willow-patterned vase atop paving stones. This was one of Renoir’s early works before his impressionist technique had fully evolved.
The Artist Series artfully transforms paint strokes into paper strips using the ancient art of quilling. Each card takes several hours to make and reimagines a famous work of art into a magnificent greeting card that can either be sent and shared with loved ones or kept and framed as the work of art it is.
Don’t just send a card, send art!
- Outside Copy: Blank
- Inside Copy: Blank plus additional blank insert to write your own message on
- Size:6 in. x 6 in.
- Envelope Color: Burgundy
- *Extra postage required for mailing
- Certified Fair Trade Federation Member